
Increase productivity and reduce cost


Know where and how

MyTracks is a GPS Tracker for your vehicles and/or field personnel. This app will monitor location, routes, trips taken, and speed from the time system is turned on until the time it is turned off.

It can also work as a Daily time Recorder and be integrated with our HR Snap.

How does MyTracks work?

Depending on your needs or application, we have different versions for you to choose from.

Mobile to Mobile

The mobile app is installed to the phone of the person to be tracked, which can be activated whenever that person wants to be located. Upon activation and until deactivation, their location will be sent continously (on a preset interval) to the mobile phone of the registered receiver via SMS. The receiver can then open the message and view the location using Google Maps.

Mobile to Web

Similar to Mobile to Mobile, only that data is sent to our web platform where you can view from anywhere in the world using your login credentials. Furthermore, our web platform will show you the complete route, actual location, and speed of whatever or whoever you are tracking.

Device to Web

Similar to mobile to web, except a device with the installed app will be used instead of a mobile phone.

Subscribe to MyTracks now!

Email us with your name, contact number, and intention to subscribe and our representative will give you a call as soon as possible. We can also do product demonstration via Skype or visit your office for a detailed discussion.